Purifies the whole room
Only Dyson purifiers have Air Multiplier™ technology. It generates the circulation power to draw even distant pollutants into the machine, projecting purified air throughout the room.
Fully sealed to HEPA standard
In our latest purifiers, it's not just the filter that meets HEPA H13 standard, it's the whole machine⁴. So what goes inside, stays inside.
Senses and reports, automatically
Integrated sensors constantly analyse your air, while our unique algorithm cross-checks data every second. It diagnoses pollutants at a molecular level, displaying live results on the LCD.
Captures gases and ultrafine particles
The HEPA H13 filter captures 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns.¹ A layer of activated carbon also removes odours and gases including VOCs.
Heats in winter
With long-range projection, it’s quick to heat the whole room evenly.
Cools you in summer
In warmer weather, a powerful stream of purified airflow can cool you down.